I had an amazing time up in Canada supporting the crew up there from Burton on their "PK" tour. Canadians call clinics "PK"s (Product Knowledge). We had great turnout from employees at The Source, EasyRider, Unlimited, Coastal Riders, and Comor. It was great to chat about the New Burton Product that these guys are starting to sell and help get them pumped on the upcoming season. It was great to have Mark Sollors and Mikey Rencz come along on the Vancouver stops. Thanks my Canadian Friends :-)
Banff Canada looking good
Taylor's Birthday surprise
The Source crew
Putting up a Window display
Talking board with EASY RIDER
The ever Awesom Unlimited clinic spot in Banff
Unlimited Crew is awesome
Rencz and Sollors at Coastal Riders
I think Mikey learned something